Analisis Literasi Teknologi Informasi Guru Matematika Sekolah Menengah Atas di Buton Tengah Ditinjau dari Aspek Manajemen Pendidikan

Kamaruddin Hai


In the era of information development based

of advances in information, as well as in the realm of preparation. In learning, the utilization and utilization  of information progress is very important in supporting the smooth running of training and instructive meetings. So that the limitation of the ability of teachers in developing information is very important and must be done. This study aims to describe the level of progress in secondary school mathematics teacher training information in Buton Tengah and identify the components that influence it. The investigative methodology used is a constructive abstract strategy. The exploratory test was 41 high school mathematics educators in Central Buton who were taken using a purposive testing strategy. Techniques to find out surveys and data collection. The results showed that the level of information development capacity of secondary school mathematics teachers in Central Buton  Regency was still relatively  low. One of the factors that affect mechanical training is the lack of preparation to take advantage of the development of information technology.

Keywords: Information Technology Literacy, Mathematics Teacher, Educational Management

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